Most Expensive Funko Pop

Most Funko Pops are affordable, and you’ll easily find them in malls and toy stores. However, there are rare pieces that are more challenging to find. They can be very pricey too. In fact, the most expensive Funko Pop can even buy you a new car.

If you’re interested in learning more about the most expensive Funko Pops, then keep on reading!

What is a Funko Pop?

A Funko Pop refers to a small vinyl figurine produced and distributed by the American company, Funko Inc. The company usually produces designs based on popular celebrities, fictional characters, and other pop culture icons. Some examples include characters from the franchises of Marvel, DC, and Disney.

While there are many other dolls or action figures on the market, Funko Pops have a distinct look to them. A Funko Pop is around four inches tall and has a Japanese “chibi” style. Usually, each has large square-shaped heads with smaller bodies. Large, circular black eyes, a small triangular nose, and usually no mouth are some other features of a Funko Pop.

This unique and cute design has captivated many as Funko Pop has customers of every age, gender, and race. Over the years, collecting Funko Pops has become a popular hobby among many. Some collect Funko Pops based on TV shows they like, while others challenge themselves by collecting rare collectibles.

The price range of Funko Pops can vary on several factors, including popularity, rarity, and demand. Common Funko Pops usually sell for under $10, while some can cost you thousands of dollars. Keep in mind, however, that the price of Funko Pops can change. Like any other collectible in the market, its price can go up or go down as time goes by.

What is the most expensive Funko Pop in the world?

Stranger Things: Hopper (Gold)

Price: $4,110

Stranger Things is a popular sci-fi horror TV show on Netflix. Funko has released several designs of its famous characters, including Sheriff Jim Hopper. In 2018, Funko released a golden version of their Hopper Funko Pop at the San Diego Comic-Con. There were only 40 copies of it, and organizers gave them away for free to attendees seated at Table 20 of the event.

The design features Jim Hopper in his police uniform, donning his hat. The figure’s entire surface is gold.

While it isn’t the most expensive Funko Pop in the world, its price is no joke. You might get lucky and find it on sale, but its price tag rarely goes under $4,000.

Dumbo (Gold)

Price: $4,180

As a popular Disney character, it’s no surprise that Dumbo has his own Funko Pop. Dumbo is a young elephant and the titular character of the 1941 animated film Dumbo.

At the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con, lucky attendees received the limited edition gold version of the Dumbo Funko Pop. With only 48 copies of this design, it’s no surprise it is one of the most expensive Funko Pops ever.

Unlike Hopper’s Funko Pop, Dumbo isn’t completely gold. It has black eyes, a yellow hat, and a red and yellow clown collar. The inside of its ears is pink instead of gold too.

Freddy Funko as Count Chocula (Metallic)

Price: $5,000

Freddy Funko might not be familiar to most people. To Funko Pop fans, however, he is more than just a familiar face. Freddy is the official mascot of Funko.

As the official mascot, Freddy has several Funko Pop designs. One of them features Freddy Funko as Count Chocula. Count Chocula is a character from a breakfast cereal brand from General Mills, Inc.

Freddy Funko’s Metallic Count Chocula isn’t the most expensive Funko Pop ever, but it is certainly close. Its average price is $5,000, but some have sold it for almost twice the price.


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